There is a name that is commonly seen. In the College of engineering buildings of 20 universities All over the country, including Seoul National University, Yonsei University, Korea University, Busan National University, and Jeonju University.
He is ‘Haedong’.
Seoul National University Haedong Hall, Kookmin University Haedong Creator’s Library, Busan National University Haedong Academic Information Room… .
Each university has a slightly different name or form, but it is a space where hundreds of students study or discuss each day.
These spaces were all created through donations from the Haedong Science and Culture Foundation.
Kim Chung-Shik, Chairman of Daeduck Electronics Co., Ltd.
In 1991, the Haedong Science and Culture Foundation was established and provided 2.2 billion won in scholarships to 280 college students…
The personal wealth he donated to the school he overthrew was 65.7 billion won, the highest individual donation to Seoul National University in history.
It is known that the amount donated to domestic universities and welfare facilities so far exceeds 100 billion won.
To honor the wishes of the late Chairman KIM Chung-Shik, the godfather of the Korean electronics industry,
the ‘Haedong Memorial Hall’ project, which recreates his office and displays his belongings while he was alive, was promoted.